
Showing posts from March, 2022

Dare to dream

     In an average indian family this scene is quite common in case of a girl's life. From the birth till the death, she is controlled by someone or the other. Sometimes the control is for good, sometime for not that good....Childhood and maturity sometimes is not much different. During school and after school she starts dreaming. Dreaming about new things, about her life, various experiences which she wants to experience... But sometimes she feels lost and sometimes she forgets....she forgets that she can achieve the dreams which she saw, she is quite eligible for that supreme level of happiness and she has the capacity to convert it into reality. Here is a shout out to all such women in the society... GET UP & DARE TO DREAM ....again...until you achieve it. And when she really decide to do this, whats next?  Yes, obstacles...lets classify them into Domestic responsibilities Incomplete education Physical inability Lets discuss about it one by one. Let assume that all of us ha


  Yes, you read it right! You want to know success in terms of what? Let me tell you. Hereby the term success, mean, targetting the correct audience, getting more and more business, earning a profit, and finally bringing happiness in your as well as your client's life. One can achieve this through tuning his/ her skills in marketing. As per Dr. Philip Kotler marketing is “ the science and art of exploring, creating, and delivering value to satisfy the needs of a target market at a profit ." And to achieve this one needs to have strong basic knowledge of the fundamentals of marketing. Today I am going to discuss what I have learned about this subject so far and going to reveal my secrete ingredients or ideas for the success of the recipe. This article will provide a fair idea about various aspects of marketing and will be a useful resource for beginners in the field of marketing. When I heard the term " Digital Marketing " for the first time around 3 years ago it fasc