
What's my responsibility as a dancer?

Many of us start learning dance as a hobby may be from early age or any point of time, then at some point of time we think that this is my passion and we just start flowing with it...putting lots of efforts and hard work, managing expenses from coaching till costume, trying to grab each opportunity and giving the best possible performance every time...

Then experiencing the shower of love and affection of the family, friends and audience. And thus feel happy and proud of ourselves. Feels motivated. Never stop doing your best just because someone doesn't give you credit. Take more chances and dance more dances etc ...but is that all ??

I mean is that enough? Satisfying the hunger or greed of obtaining fame or even earning money shouldn't be the only motto behind learning any art form I feel.

Do we really think about our responsibility as a dancer? Yes, you heard right! RESPONSIBILITY ....

You must have heard of Hippocratic Oath, an oath of ethics historically taken by physicians. Is there any such oath which a dancer should take and follow for the entire life....ummmm well, I think there should be...

But what it should be?? Whats our duty a dancer? I mean is there any.....? It should I following any...or do you ??


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